
Workplace Relations: What are the six items to be included in pay slips?

It is required by Australian law for employers to provide employees with pay slips, and these must be delivered to the employee in electronic or written form within one working day of the wage being paid. This is to ensure that employees receive the correct wages and benefits and are able to keep complete records of their wages.

The following six pieces of information must be included on the pay slip:

  • Details of the employee’s daily work during the pay period
  • The names of the employee and employer
  • The employer’s Australian Business Number (if applicable)
  • The date range of the work for which the wages are being paid
  • The date of the wage payment
  • The gross amount of the wages

If you are an employee and have not received a pay slip from your employer, the Fair Work Ombudsman suggests that you negotiate with your employer and request pay slips for each pay period.

Whether you are an employer or an employee, please contact us if you are unsure of your rights and responsibilities in relation to your employment. Our employment lawyers are happy to answer any legal questions you may have and ensure that you are not being unfairly exploited in your employment relationship.

Source: Fairwork Australia 

Disclaimer: This is only a general summary and guidance and cannot be regarded as a specific question for your individual questions. The law is complicated, and we strongly recommend that you seek professional legal advice. Canaan Lawyers will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by any person due to the information contained or missing in the document.