
Category Archives: Family Law

Not Hiring a Lawyer for Divorce Could Cost You a Fair Settlement. Learn Why.

Divorce is an important decision in life, involving family, property, children, and other aspects. If you lack understanding of the relevant laws, you may unknowingly make decisions that are disadvantageous or even illegal to yourself, ultimately leading to serious financial losses or other adverse consequences. Therefore, it is wise to hire a professional divorce lawyer […]

Divorce Asset Split: 3 Quick Steps to Secure Your Future

Property settlement is the process of dividing personal and shared property between two partners who have decided to separate. If both parties can reach an agreement, it can save a lot of time and legal fees. The normal property settlement process involves three steps. Step 1: Consult a lawyer Before you start negotiating with the […]

Splitting Assets? 3 Key Things Judges Consider!

Divorce property division is an important step in the divorce process that affects the interests of both parties. What Does the Court Consider When Dividing Property in Divorce in Australia? Contributions to the marriage The court will consider the contributions that each spouse made to the marriage, both financially and otherwise. For example, a spouse […]

Is a prenuptial agreement still valid in a divorce?

Prenuptial agreements are agreements made by both parties before marriage to protect their own rights and interests after marriage. The content usually mentions arrangements for married life, assets, and even property distribution in the event of divorce. Although prenuptial agreements can provide some protection for both parties, they cannot completely eliminate disputes in the event […]

Can You Transfer Your Liability for a Debt After Divorce?

Divorce property settlement agreements are agreements signed by both parties to a divorce to divide property and debts. These agreements are legally binding, so it is important to carefully consider the terms and ensure that they are in your best interests before signing. However, what happens if a spouse who owes debt tries to avoid […]

Family violence charges don’t automatically mean lost custody. The court cares about one factor !

In Australia, a domestic violence abuser does not necessarily lose custody of their children after a divorce.According to Australian law, the court will consider the best interests of the child when making a custody decision. Domestic violence, such as a husband abusing his wife or children, is never in the best interests of a child. […]

The one condition you need to meet to get a divorce in Australia

Many people think that you need a good reason to get a divorce, such as hiring a private investigator or proving that you are incompatible with your spouse. However, under Australian law, you do not need a good reason to file for divorce. In fact, the judge will only consider one thing: whether the marriage […]

The One Factor That Decides Where a Child Lives After Divorce

In Australia, in most cases, when parents divorce, children will be under joint custody rather than one parent obtaining full custody. This means both parents will share the responsibility of caring for the children, including their daily life, education, health, and recreational activities. When the court decides on child custody, the best interests of the […]

5 Must-Knows Before Signing a Prenuptial Agreement

First, it needs to be determined whether the jurisdiction where the prenuptial agreement is signed recognizes prenuptial agreements. If you and your partner are in Australia, you don’t have to worry about this. In addition, to ensure that the prenuptial agreement can be enforced in any court, you must ensure that all of the following […]

7 Factors That Determine Whether You’re in a De-Facto Partnership

In Australia, when a de facto relationship ends, there may be entitlements for property settlement, just as there are for married couples. To determine whether a couple is in a de facto relationship, the court will consider several factors. It is important to note that not all of these factors need to be present for […]